More Prophecy Fulfilled by Jesus Christ

SPEC-51-170326 - length: 48:23 - taught on Mar, 26 2017

Class Outline:

Lighthouse Bible Church
March 26, 2017

More Prophecy Fulfilled by Jesus Christ

The Bible was written by around 40 different authors over a time period of around 1400 years


The Messiah would be preceded by a messenger

ISA 40:1-9

Fulfilled in: MAT 3:1-11

MAR 1:1-11, LUK 3:2-6


Lame man healed

MAT 9:2-7, MAR 2:1-12


Healing a mute man

MAT 9:32-33


Isaiah foreshadows the ministry of Jesus
ISA 61:1-2

Fulfilled: LUK 4:14-21


The Messiah would enter Jerusalem on a donkey ZEC 9:9

Fulfilled : LUK 19:29-35,
MAT 21:1-5

Jesus proclaims that he is the Messiah
JOH 4:19-26

Fulfilled: The entire new testament


The Messiah would be rejected
ISA 53:1-4

Fulfilled: MAT 26:59,66-67


Jesus foretold his death and resurrection
Prophecy: MAT 20:17-19

Fulfilled: MAT 28:1-10,
MAR 15:37- 16:20


Jesus told Peter that the church would survive and thrive
Prophecy: MAT 16:17-18

Fulfilled : Throughout history

The Messiah would be a light to Gentiles
Prophecy: ISA 42:1-9

Fulfilled: LUK 2:32, ACT 13:47

God's salvation would reach the ends of the earth
Prophecy: ISA 49:6

Fulfilled: ROM 10:18, ACT 13:47


Jesus said His words would never be forgotten
Prophecy: LUK 21:33

Fulfilled: Throughout history


The Great commission and it’s fulfillment
Prophecy: MAT 28:16-20 , MAR 16:14-15

Fulfilled: being fulfilled as we speak


God desires the church to fulfill the Great Commission because:

1TI 2:4 (God) “who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”