Rich man, poor man.John Farley
Pastor-Teacher Sunday, May 7, 2017 Village Ministries International (or V.M.I.) is a non-denominational Christian Ministry based in Yukon, OK. V.M.I. takes the Gospel and God’s Word to remote areas that aren’t easily exposed to missionary activity. Their two main goals are evangelism in various outposts throughout the world, and training rural indigenous pastors. They have worked in India, Nigeria, the Philippines, Central America, Indonesia, and Mongolia. Practical Christianity: Jam 4:11-17-Jam 5:1-6 The rich and the poor are a major concern for James in his letter. Jesus and Paul also have a lot to say about the poor and the rich, and the dangers associated with wealth. Mat 6:24 1Ti 6:8-10, 1Ti 6:17-19 There are two extremes to avoid when it comes to interpreting what the Bible has to say about wealth and riches. One extreme is the blanket condemnation of the rich. The other extreme is the idea is that it’s God’s will for all Christians to be rich. Both extremes have their own take on James. The prosperity crowd says that when James warns the rich, he is only speaking to wicked rich unbelievers. The “condemn the rich” folks like to point to verses like James 2:5 . Jam 2:5 The New Testament offers compassion for the poor and issues warnings to those who desire to get rich.