She has Been a Helper of Many.

John Farley
Pastor Teacher
January 19, 2025

She has Been a Helper of Many

1. God has placed a burden on your heart.

2. God has filled your heart with a special love for the people who most need to be ministered to with the gift.

3. You are willing to suffer in order to serve others with this gift.

4. You have a supernatural ability when you operate in that area.

5. Other Christians sense that God is at work when you exercise this gift.

6. You sense that this is your purpose in life.

7. God has prepared you for this gift in a unique way.

8. When you observe a person with this gift, you have a great desire to do that work.

9. Mature believers encourage you to practice the gift.

10. God is providing what you need to be effective in the gift.

11. God is opening doors for you to exercise the gift.

12. You are drawn to serve a particular location, group of people, or individual.

The gift of helps and the gift of service.

Rom 12:6-8
1Co 12:27-28

The spiritual gift of helps is an unusual capacity to help and assist others.


Paul recognized the value of a saint who was enthusiastic in providing help to other saints.

Paul also appreciated the help that Phoebe gave him.

2Ti 1:15-18

The gift of helps is a supernatural ability to come alongside others for the purpose -

of greatly increasing the effectiveness of another person’s ministry.

The believer with the gift of helps is focused on people;

The believer with the gift of service is focused on tasks
(the work to be done).

One man in the New Testament who had
the gift of helps was John Mark.

Act 13:2-5
2Ti 4:9-11

The gift of helps also helps the sick, afflicted, handicapped, and helpless.

The Greek word for helps meant : (1) to be aware, and (2) to hold and support.

People with the gift of helps have a unique ability to see needs and render the right assistance.

They have an unusual capacity to serve faithfully behind the scenes.

People with the gift of helps are never “too busy”. They are ready to help on a moment’s notice.

Members of the body who have this gift are the backbone of the congregation.

Christian workers can concentrate more fully on their spiritual duties.

1. You earnestly desire to meet the practical needs of others.

2. You have a knack for knowing what really blesses people.

3. You go the extra mile to assist other believers who need help.

4. You are driven by short-range and immediate needs.

5. You are burdened to pray for people in need.

6. People sense that God is working through you to meet their needs.

7. You have no desire to receive credit, recognition, or reward.




© Lighthouse Bible Church of South Florida, Inc. / John Farley • • All rights reserved.