Spiritual Gifts part 233: Let us press on to know the Lord.

John Farley
February 26, 2012

Spiritual Gifts Part 233: Let us press on to know the Lord.

The progress of Abraham’s life of faith in the God who does the impossible is vividly set before us in the word of God as our example.

Abraham teaches us to stop keeping our eyes on self, our situation, our inability – and to lift up our eyes and keep them on our all-powerful, completely able God.

God making alive dead ones, and calling things not being, being! (Newell)

We see this CONCRETELY in the faith story of Abraham.

We see this spiritually in our faith history in Christ, Eph 2:4-9.

We see God making us alive spiritually when we were dead.

We see God call the ungodly ones “righteous!” on the sole ground of Christ’s death and resurrection.

And we see God bringing on the scene something entirely new: the new spiritual species.

2Co 5:17
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

With God all things are possible. And our God is FOR US! Rom 8:31-32

We often think about Abraham’s journeys in the natural realm.  
But he ALSO walked a difficult, long-suffering, God-glorifying path of FAITH.

There was a conflict, a trial, a test of faith. Abraham takes his stand with the Lord. And the Lord reveals something new about Himself.

The LORD Most High - Gen 14:18
The All-Sufficient God – Gen 17:1
The LORD the God of Eternity – Gen 21:33
The LORD will Provide - Gen 22:14
The LORD, the God of Heaven and Earth – Gen 24:3



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