Basics Series. Soteriology, part 9.

John Farley


June 12, 2012

The Doctrine of Soteriology

Salvation is
God’s complete work by which He
rescues man
from eternal ruin,
and bestows on him
the riches of His grace.

remove the penalty of sin.

remove the guilt of sin.

satisfy the justice of God.

end the enmity and restore peace.

The blood of Christ – His substitutionary spiritual death on the cross – provided redemption, expiation, propitiation, and reconciliation for every man.

REDEMPTION = the ransom or PRICE paid by our Lord Jesus Christ for our sins. It is the BONDAGE OF SIN side of the cross.

EXPIATION = CANCELLING the DEBT. To put an end to the guilt. It is the GUILT OF SIN side of the cross.

PROPITIATION = SATISFACTION. The justice of God is completely satisfied with the Person and Work of Christ. It is the GODWARD side of the cross.

RECONCILIATION = the removal of the barrier between God and man. Man is restored to PEACE with God. It is the MAN AS ENEMY side of the cross.

JUSTIFICATION = It is the legal act of God whereby He declares the ungodly believer RIGHTEOUS because He has imputed to the believer His perfect righteousness.

Redemption (in relation to the bondage of sin): liberation because of a payment made.

Expiation (in relation to the guilt of sin): the aspect of Christ’s work that canceled guilt and the penalty of sin, which is spiritual death. Blood wipes out guilt.

2 Cor 5:21
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf,
so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Propitiation (in relation to God): means “satisfaction”. God the Father is completely satisfied with the work of Christ on the cross.

Propitiation reveals the ultimate reason why Christ went to the cross: to vindicate the character of His Father.

Point 1. Definition

Redemption Price
Expiation Cancelled
Propitiation Satisfied
Reconciliation Peace
Justification Righteousness

1. Propitiation is the God-ward side of the work of Christ in salvation.

The substitutionary spiritual death of Jesus Christ on the cross satisfied the righteous demands of the holy God that the sins of the entire world be judged.

2. Propitiation is the aspect of the work of Christ on the cross that deals with the integrity of God.

The integrity of God is the harmonious operation of three divine attributes: His righteousness, His justice, and His love.

Love is
the motivation
of the integrity of God.

Righteousness is
the principle
of the integrity of God.

Justice is
the function
of the integrity of God.



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