John Farley
September 2, 2015
Glory wrapped
in a brown paper bag
Rom 8:18-25
Sufferings for now but GLORY to be revealed soon!
Not only will the saints behold Christ’s glory… we will SHARE that glory!!
Heb 2:5-13
In fact, this is God’s great project now , the objective of His great plans.
Rom 8:28-30
Rom 8:18-22
This glory is not only going to be revealed TO us. It will also be revealed IN US!!!
1Jo 3:1-3
Creation groans.
We groan.
Creation waits eagerly.
We wait eagerly.
The glory will be REVEALED, not created.
The glory exists now, but it has not yet been unveiled.
“revealing” = apokalupsis
- a removal of a covering.
2Co 3:17-18
We are sons of God now and Christ is in us NOW, and He is the hope of glory!