Colossae, we have a problem

Col 1:1-4:18; Luk 18:9-14; Mat 23:23-24; Mat 12:1-14.

COL-1-170716 - length: 62:10 - taught on Jul, 16 2017

Class Outline:

John Farley
July 16, 2017


Rich Freeman will be joining us on Sunday August 20.

Our church vacation is Sun Jul 23 through Sat July 29.

Colossae, we have a problem

Colossians 1:1 - 4:18

First, every time our Lord Jesus Christ is mentioned.

Second, what is said about the problem that prompted Paul to write this letter.

This letter consists of the most exalted teachings about our Lord Jesus CHRIST…and…

It deals with a very significant and dangerous problem for the saints at Colossae.

Epaphras might have hurried to see Paul in prison. This plague of deception had hit this tiny congregation.

And the inoculation would be the supremacy of Christ.

This plague of false teaching and practices is described in chapter 2 of Colossians.

COL 2:4

This problem statement is surrounded by statements about the SOLUTION!

COL 2:1-7

1. Strategic victory
2. Problem
3. Practical victory

Strategic victory -
the incomparable CHRIST

The problem - false teaching and practices

Practical victory- walking in Christ

Paul asks the Colossians
one question
in this letter.

This question indicates where his concern reached a fever pitch.