Spiritual Gifts part 370: The surpassing greatness of His power toward us.

1Co 12:28; Act 9:36-42; 13:4-12; 20:6-12; Joh 14:10-12.

ROMANS-488-130214 - length: 60:54 - taught on Feb, 14 2013

Class Outline:

John Farley
February 14, 2013

Spiritual Gifts Part 370:

the surpassing greatness of His power toward us

Our next Work Day planned for Saturday February 16
starts at 8 AM




The Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts

Point 7.

Temporary spiritual gifts

Foundational gifts

The temporary spiritual gifts of apostle and prophet were foundational; EPH 2:20.

EPH 2:20
having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone,

Sign gifts

c. The third temporary gift is that of miracles, HEB 2:4

The gift of miracles was the unique ability to accomplish supernatural works of power.

This temporary spiritual gift was designed for the pre-canon period of the Church Age to validate and to accredit the communication gifts, primarily the ministry of the apostles.

Philip the evangelist performed signs and wonders (Acts 8), as did Stephen when he was delivering his prophetic indictment of the Jews (Acts 6).

They couldn't go to the Old Testament to confirm the mystery portion of the New Testament doctrine.

Peter performed miracles which brought him a hearing - an audience.

The purpose of the gift was to draw attention to the message - not attention to the man or the miracle itself,
2CO 12:12;
1CO 12:10; 1CO 12:28.

In ACT 9:36-42, Peter raised Dorcas from the dead.

ACT 9:42
And it became known all over Joppa, and many believed in the Lord.

Elymas the sorcerer was struck blind by Paul, Acts 13:4-12.

ACT 13:12
Then the proconsul believed when he saw what had happened, being amazed at the teaching of the Lord.