About Us

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. (2TI 4:2)

Lighthouse Bible Church:

Lighthouse Bible Church (LBC) is a no-nonsense, non-denominational, grace oriented and Bible centered Christian church. LBC is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ and providing accurate Bible teaching from the original languages of scripture. This teaching is designed to build up and edify members of the Body of Christ. (EPH 4:11-13)

LBC is a grace oriented ministry and provides Bible teaching to those who desire it completely free of charge. Freely we have received and freely we shall give. Additionally, in order to respect people’s privacy, we do not request membership of any kind from our congregation. (EPH 1:6, ROM 8:32, LUK 6:38)

LBC has grown out of a home Bible Study group which met for over 25 years. Then, in 2010, God opened the door for this group to step out in faith and open a local assembly which magnifies the Word of God. Lighthouse Bible Church was born when the leaders of the existing assembly invited John Farley, a pastor-teacher, to join them here in South Florida to preach and teach. 

LBC is located at 3134 North Federal Highway Lighthouse Point, FL 33064.  We have our Sunday service at 10 AM each Sunday.  On Thursday evenings starting at 7 PM, we hold an informal Bible study. We also regularly send out and post new articles on a on a subject or passage in the Bible.

Please join us for any and all of these times when we gather together as brothers and sisters in Christ! For Sunday morning service, we have Sunday school teachers ready to teach any children from the age of 2 -12.  We also have a private mother's room where new moms can tend to their infants' needs during service.  It has speakers so you don't miss anything, as well as a sound proof window that looks out to the chapel and pulpit.

LBC Financial policy

Lighthouse Bible Church is a grace ministry and operates entirely on voluntary contributions. We do not solicit funds, and we certainly DO NOT believe in tithing!  We have freedom in Christ (2CO 3:17) And God loves a cheerful giver! (2CO 9:7). We are to give joyfully out of love for the Lord and for one another.    

There is no price on any teaching materials at LBC. Anyone who desires Bible teaching can receive them free of charge or obligation. God in His grace has blessed us beyond imagination. We want imitate our Father in giving freely as God does in  making His grace abound to meet our needs.

Our Leadership Team:

We are led by a board of elders who make policy and decisions as a team. Here are the men who serve us in this capacity:


Elder & pastor-teacher  John Farley:

John leads our worship services and  Bible studies, and currently also writes our posted articles.  John does the bulk of our preaching, teaching, and writing.  He leads and sets policy in these areas.

Elder  Marc Pomeroy:

Marc’s areas of responsibility include overseeing all aspects of;

Technical Affairs (technology, website, audio, video, computers etc) and Music Ministry

Elder Jac Bovinet:

Jac’s areas of responsibility include overseeing all aspects of;

Day to Day Building Affairs

Logistics for Services:  Ushers, preparation of the communion elements, and security.

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