Jam 5:19-20; Col 2:13-14; Rom 4:5-8; 1Jo 1:6-7; Heb 10:11-18; Gal 6:1; Isa 55:6-11; Eze 18:21-28; Act 3:17-21; Psa 1.
PRCHR-102-170702 - length: 65:20 - taught on Jul, 2 2017
Class Outline:
CSM is an evangelistic organization charged with spreading the grace gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and training pastors and evangelists in the Word of God.
CSM works in 5 different countries: Pakistan, India, Nigeria, Ghana, and Liberia.
ChristSavesMinistries.orgIf you would like a monthly newsletter with updates on this ministry work, please email scott@christsavesministries.org.
Practical Christianity:
The two ways:
a reprise
JAM 5:19-20 is a summons to action on behalf of others.
Only God can cover or forgive sins.
Our sins have all been covered by the blood of Christ (COL 2:13-14; ROM 4:5-8; 1JO 1:7; HEB 10:11-18)
COL 2:13-14
ROM 4:5-8
1JO 1:6-7
For John, “walk in the darkness” describes the unbeliever, while “walk in the Light” describes the believer.
See JOH 1:4-5, JOH 3:19-21; JOH 8:12, JOH 12:35-36; JOH 12:46.
James writes from an Old Testament viewpoint.
I can’t repeat that enough.
From an Old Testament / Messianic (Christ as the Messiah for the Jews) perspective:
God forgives (covers) the sins of His people when they turn back to Him (repent).
ISA 55:6-11
EZE 18:21-23, EZE 18:27-28
The Greek word for “soul” in JAM 5:20, psuche, is often translated “life” in the New Testament.
In the Old Testament , the soul is used as a synonym for physical life.
This continues during the first advent of the Jewish Messiah.
We find it with the message to the Jews that their Messiah had risen from the dead.
The presence of the Lord is a reference to His Second Coming.
The times of refreshing refer to the kingdom, the Millennial Reign.
The Two Ways:
A Reprise
Psalm 1 talks about the two ways.
The letter of James also talks about the two ways.
Psalm 1 speaks of
the way of the righteous versus the way of
the wicked.
In JAM 5:19-20, James calls these two ways
the way of the truth and the way of error.