Col 2:4-8, 18-23; 3:12-14; 2Co 11:3-4; Tit 3:8-9; John 15:12; Rom 13:8-10; 16:1-12; Gal 5:13-14; 6:2,9-10; Tit 3:14.
COL-61-181216 - length: 65:28 - taught on Dec, 16 2018
Class Outline:
John Farley
December 16, 2018
Lunacy, Lies…. and Love.
This title describes three kinds of churches that are around today.
The church of love is sober-minded.
And the church of love preaches the gospel and teaches the Bible.
The church of lunacy is the church that condones a lot of hocus-pocus.
This church has leaders who promote false philosophies, deceptive arguments,
legalism, and wrangling about words (splitting hairs).
“Calvinistic, charismatic, complementarian, Christian hedonist, amillennial, credo-baptistic…
Well, I am a sinner saved by the blood of Christ. (largest word is 6 letters).
They teach one of three kinds of lies in particular: another Jesus, another Spirit, or another gospel.
These congregations fall for every wind of doctrine: every fad, every new book, every charismatic speaker.
They worship a man or a creed rather than Christ.
Get us all wrapped up in the foolishness and silliness, the toxic and trivial, …
…so that we never get around to doing what our Father has asked us to do.
And yes, there are many commands in the New Testament letters, but they can all be summed up in one word: love.
We hve postponed the camp reunion until next June.