If Christ has not been raised…

1Co 15:11-20; Rom 4:25; Joh 8:24; 1Th 4:13-14.

1COR-50-200531 - length: 57:57 - taught on May, 31 2020

Class Outline:

John Farley
Pastor Teacher
May 31, 2020


If Christ has not been raised…

1CO 15:12-19

Chapter 15 teaches the bodily resurrection of the dead.

Here in verses 12-19, Paul uses logic to expose the fallacy that there is no resurrection of the dead.

It is illogical to believe that Christ was raised from the dead and yet claim that there is no resurrection of the dead.

In verse 11 we see that the apostles preached the gospel and the Corinthian saints believed the gospel.

1CO 15:11

So the saints believed that Christ was raised from the dead.

They were not willing to accept the clear implications of what they believed.

If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised.

And if Christ has not been raised, there is no Christianity.

The link between the resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of the dead is the fact that Christ is really human.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is true humanity and undiminished deity in one Person forever.

1. He was born of a woman, GAL 4:4-5.

2. He was of the line of David and is destined to reign on the throne of David forever, 2TI 2:8-9, LUK 1:30-33.

3. The gospels of Matthew and Luke provide complete genealogies of Jesus, MAT 1:1-17, LUK 3:23-38.

4. Jesus had a human body, and He grew and developed like other human children, LUK 2:40, 52.

5. He had a human soul and spirit, MAT 26:36-38, LUK 23:42.

6. He exhibited the characteristics of a human being, LUK 22:44, JOH 11:33-36, HEB 2:14-18.

7. He died a physical human death, and His body was buried in the tomb, JOH 19:32-34.

8. He was raised from the dead in a glorified human body, LUK 24:36-42.

1CO 15:12-14


1CO 15:12

Here in verses 13-19 Paul argues that this statement “there is no resurrection of the dead” must be false if the gospel is true.


1CO 15:13,16



1CO 15:14

Paul preached the resurrection of Christ wherever he went.


The educated and cultured elites in Corinth followed the teachings of the philosophers in Athens.

If Christ has not been raised, all of Paul’s preaching has been for nothing.


1CO 15:17

ROM 4:25

If Christ has not been raised from the dead, that means that we have not been justified.

JOH 8:24


1CO 15:15

Paul is saying “either Christ was raised from the dead or we all lied”.


1CO 15:18

They “fell asleep” ( died physically), and they have also perished.
They have been completely destroyed.

1TH 4:13-14

If Jesus did not rise from the dead, there is no hope for dead saints. There will be no Rapture.


1CO 15:19

If there is no resurrection of the dead, then the saints have made fools of themselves.

They have sacrificed their lives for nothing. For a tall tale.

1CO 15:20