1Co 16:10-18; Eph 6:10-13; 1Th 5:12-13; Matt 20:25-28.
1COR-59-200802 - length: 70:35 - taught on Aug, 2 2020
Class Outline:
Instructions on being good hosts, recognizing what real leadership is, and putting on love.
Paul insists that the Corinthians treat Timothy in a dignified manner.
They should allow him to do the work the Lord has given him without getting hassled.
Second, that they not “despise” him. The Greek word means to think nothing of, disregard.
His letter is filled with rebukes, and demands to change their ways.
They would be tempted to take out their hostility on Timothy.
Finally, he wants the saints in Corinth to give Timothy a proper send-off.
The peacemakers often take blows from both sides!
The factions in Corinth had up behind their favorite preachers.
Apollos was highly esteemed by the church as a whole.
But he needed to handle this news with the utmost care.
Paul had encouraged Apollos to go.
He’ll come when God opens that door for him to go.
The four commands in verse 13 were originally military commands.
the fundamental truths that Paul teaches will be attacked…
by false teachers, this godless world, and the principalities and powers.
Act like men means GROW UP.
If they are rooted in Christ and His word, they will gain the strength they will need.
Love is the solution to their troubles - and ours.
He now holds up Stephanas and his household as models of service and leadership.
Why? Because they have devoted (given) themselves to ministry for the saints.
You will know who the real leaders are by their service and labor for the saints.
We are to submit to people who serve the brethren and do the work of the Lord.
Paul missed the Corinthian saints badly.
The arrival of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus filled the void.
They were with him in spirit.
All those who sacrifice for the benefit of others should be respected and admired.
We do miss you in your absence, and we rejoice in your presence.