1Ti 517-25; 1Th 5:12-13; Deu 25:4; 19:15-20; 1Co 9:9-14; 2Co 13:1; Mat 18:15-17; 1Ti 3:2-7.
1TIM-15-201213 - length: 65:29 - taught on Dec, 13 2020
Class Outline:
He next turns his attention to the elders.
The duty of elders is to rule, and to preach and teach.
time (tee-may'); a value, i.e. money paid; by analogy, esteem.
The context makes it clear that this refers to compensation or wages.
(Verse 18)
The Lord expects those who benefit spiritually from the ministry of elders,
and preachers and teachers particularly, to adequately compensate them.
Timothy had to hold a court case to determine guilt or innocence.
The purpose of discipline is to convince a person to stop sinning.
If mild discipline does not work, more severe discipline must follow.
There comes a time when the sinner must be rebuked in front of the congregation.
But what sins are in view in 1 Tim 5:19-20?
So it must be referring to serious sin that an elder persists in even after being warned in private.
What are those standards?
Heresy, greed, drunkenness, and sexual sin (adultery in particular).
He cannot be biased: He can’t pre-judge the case before hearing all the evidence.
He cannot be partial - a respecter of persons.
i.e., influenced by personal relationships, or favoring the rich and powerful.
Don’t short-circuit the process. Carefully evaluate each candidate.
Drinking wine for one’s ailments is a far cry from being addicted to wine.
It’s not always easy to spot defects in a man’s character.