Joh 16:12-15; 1Co 6:19-20; 2Co 3:15-18; Rom 8:9-11
ROMANS-140-100908 - length: 61:13 - taught on Sep, 8 2010
Class Outline:
John Farley
September 8, 2010
Point 1: Setting the scene for Paul’s teaching on the Spiritual Gifts.
Point 2. The Giver of the Gifts: The Person and Work of God the Holy Spirit.
The Indwelling of God the Holy Spirit refers to the act of God the Father sending the Spirit to take up His permanent residence in the Church Age believer, and this in answer to the prayer of God the Son, John 14:16.
The Holy Spirit has been given to indwell and fill us in order to glorify Christ on earth.
parakletos means someone who stands by you in your hour of need, when you need help, and speaks for your benefit.
James points to the Person and Work of God the Holy Spirit as the answer to the problem of the attacks of the world, the flesh, and the devil on the Church Age believer.
The Church Age is the intensified stage of the angelic conflict.
The intensified stage of the angelic conflict began the moment that God the Father said to Jesus Christ, “Sit down at My Right Hand until I make Your enemies your footstool”.
God the Holy Spirit did not indwell any believers until the Church Age began at Pentecost.
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is also taught in the following passages: ROM 5:5; ROM 8:9; 1CO 6:19; GAL 3:2; GAL 4:6.
1. In the Church Age, from the Day of Pentecost to the Rapture of the Church, God the Holy Spirit indwells every believer at the moment of salvation.
2. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit cannot be lost. It is permanent, as is salvation, JOH 14:16-17.
3. The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit makes the body of the believer the sanctuary, the temple of God, 1CO 6:19.
God the Holy Spirit makes a sacred building out of your body for the indwelling of God the Son and God the Father.
4. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is one of the six permanent ministries of God the Holy Spirit at salvation.
The others are efficacious grace, regeneration, the baptism of the Spirit, the sealing with the Spirit, and the distribution of spiritual gifts.