I have authority to take My life up again

John 10:14-21; 2:19; 5:26; 3:35; 8:28-29, 44-49; 14:30-31; 19:10-11; Heb 12:2, 13:20; Mat 26:39, 53-54; Act 2:32; 4:27-28; Exo 4:11; Luk 4:40-41.

JOHN-64-220515 - length: 66:57 - taught on May, 15 2022

Class Outline:

John Farley
Pastor Teacher
May 15, 2022

“I have authority to take My life up again.”

JOH 10:14-21

Their love is two-way. The Father loves the Son, and the Son loves the Father.

Because Jesus loves the Father, He obeys the Father’s orders.

In verses 17 and 18, the humanity of Christ is in view.

Here He speaks as the incarnate Son of God, the Word made flesh - Jesus.

JOH 10:17-18

JOH 3:35
JOH 8:28-29

The Father’s love for the Son has always been joined to the Son’s obedience.

JOH 14:30-31

This love overflows in Jesus’ greatest act of obedience to the Father:

He bore the shame of the cross, the burden of our sins, and the curse of death for us.

HEB 12:2

Jesus lays down His life with this end in mind: His resurrection.

JOH 10:17

The Father’s love for Jesus, the Incarnate Son, is intensified by His self-sacrifice.

JOH 10:18

Jesus had the freedom to lay down His life. His Father gave Him that freedom.

JOH 5:26

Jesus, the Word made flesh, freely chose, in His humanity, to go to the cross.

MAT 26:39

His enemies would not have been able to put Him to death if Jesus had decided not to die.

MAT 26:53-54

His enemies merely executed the plan that the Father had ordained.

JOH 19:10-11
ACT 4:27-28

JOH 10:18

His Father also gave Jesus the authority to take His life up again.

JOH 2:19

The New Testament also teaches that God raised Jesus from the dead.

ACT 2:32
HEB 13:20

God raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus took up His own life again.

God the Father and God the Son raised Jesus from the dead.

Jesus freely put that authority into the hands of His Father to execute His will.

JOH 10:19-21

Once again, the teachings of Jesus caused a division.

The majority was threatened by His claim to have authority over life and death.

They couldn’t refute Him, so they tried to “cancel” Him.

JOH 8:47-49

But this time the minority comes to Jesus’ defense. They pointed to Jesus’ words and works.

He spoke words of grace, of authority, and clarity.

These words could not have been uttered by an insane or demon-possessed man.

His miracles were irrefutable.

A demon couldn’t open the eyes of the blind. Only God can do that.

EXO 4:11

A demon wouldn’t open the eyes of the blind.

A demon never acted in compassion.
He only destroyed and deceived.

JOH 8:44

The demons knew who Jesus really was -and they shuddered in His presence.

LUK 4:40-41