So that you may believe...

Joh 11:11-16, 17-27, 40-43; Dan 12:2; Mar 5:35-43; Gen 22:4-5; Heb 11:17-19.

JOHN-73-220724 - length: 72:25 - taught on Jul, 24 2022

Class Outline:

John Farley
Pastor Teacher
July 24, 2022


“so that you may believe…”

JOH 11:11-16

Jesus uses a figure of speech. He speaks of sleep as a euphemism for death.

“Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.”

When the boss says, “we have to leverage our resources”,

he means “you will be working weekends”.

“appropriation of non-essential items from business”



JOH 11:12-13

Once again, the disciples misunderstood what Jesus was saying.

“Asleep” is a gentler way of saying “dead”.

Jesus is going to raise Lazarus from the dead. He is going to awaken him.

DAN 12:2

A story in the gospel of Mark is strikingly similar to the raising of Lazarus in John 11.

MAR 5:35-43

Why does Jesus raise this little girl from the dead?

Look at verse 36.
“Do not be afraid but believe.”

JOH 11:14-15

Now Jesus drops the delicate language and tells them straight out: “ Lazarus is dead”.

“Lazarus is dead, and I am glad…”

For our sake? Jesus is provoking His disciples to get them to open their eyes!

Jesus is always provoking people in the hope that they would believe.

Believe what?
That’s a fair question.



What does Jesus want people to believe concerning the raising of Lazarus?

JOH 11:17-27

Jesus wants His disciples to believe that
He is the resurrection and the life.

You are the Christ, the Son of God.

“Let us go to him.” Sometimes the tiniest words make the biggest statements.

Not to Mary and Martha.
Not even to his tomb. To him.

Yet here Jesus is speaking as if Lazarus were alive.

There was another man who also believed that God could raise the dead if need be.

The Lord asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac as a burnt offering.

GEN 22:4-5

We will worship and we will return to you.

HEB 11:17-19

GOD IS ABLE to raise people even from the dead.

Jesus knew why the Father was going to raise Lazarus from the dead.

JOH 11:40-43

It was so that people might believe that the Father had sent Him.