Joh 11:21-27; 5:24; 6:39-40; 10:27-28; Job 19:23-27; Psa 16:7-11; Isa 25:6-9; 26:19; Dan 12:1-3; Eph 1:15-23
JOHN-75-220807 - length: 70:28 - taught on Aug, 7 2022
Class Outline:
“I AM the resurrection and the life.”
Jesus replies with what appears to be a basic statement about life after death.
Martha recited the Jewish belief in the resurrection of the dead on the last day.
The Old Testament talks about a general resurrection on the last day.
We begin in the oldest book written in the Bible, the book of Job.
King David wrote of his confident hope that the grave was not the end.
Isaiah looked ahead to the time when the Lord God will swallow up death for all time.
Then in the next chapter he describes the resurrection from the dead.
Finally, Daniel pinpoints the time when this resurrection will occur.
Jesus says that HE is the one who will raise the saints from the dead on the last day.
Jesus also had spoken about the gift of eternal life.
Eternal life begins at the moment that a person believes in Jesus Christ.
Jesus is also the one who GIVES that eternal life.
He revolutionizes our understanding of resurrection, of life, and of Himself.
Resurrection isn’t only a future event. It’s a Person who is always with you.
If you are a believer, He is in you, and you are in Him. He always intercedes for you.