Php 3:10-11; Col 1:15-17; Eph 1:17-20; Rom 1:4; 6:3-4; 8:5-6,11; 1Pe 1:3; 1Co 15:20-22; 2Co 1:5-10; 4:10-12; Gal 2:20; 6:8-10.
SPEC-87-230409 - length: 63:21 - taught on Apr, 9 2023
Class Outline:
Pastor Teacher
April 9, 2023
Happy Resurrection Sunday!
We need to pay close attention to the verbs.
First, that I may come to know -
three things:
His deity
the hope of His calling the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints
God demonstrated unimaginable power when He resurrected Jesus from death.
The Resurrection declares that Jesus Christ is God.
Believers are born again to a living hope by the Resurrection of Christ.
The Resurrection enables all believers to share in Christ’s physical resurrection.
His resurrection power is at work now in the lives of believers here on earth.
When we suffer in a way that shares in His sufferings, we get closer to Him, …
because that’s when we really need Him the most.
being conformed to His death
attain to the resurrection
this is not physical death, nor is it physical resurrection.
if you are a believer, you have already been conformed to His death!
There is also an experiential side to being conformed to His death.
Being sharers of His death, we can come into His resurrection - during this life.
We can walk away from the dead things and come into the life of the resurrection.
The flesh and the world are “dead” things to us.
ROM 8:5-6,11
We can reap eternal life while we are still here on earth.