Joh 14:12-17, 21; 3:16; 13:14-17; 15:10-17; 16:23-24; 1Jo 2:3-5; 3:16-18; 4:8-16; Luk 6:46-48.
JOHN-113-230618 - length: 57:58 - taught on Jun, 18 2023
Class Outline:
Thursday June 22nd at 3 PM.
Fred Hunter Funeral Home. 718 S Federal Hwy,
Fort Lauderdale.
Memorial service for Helen Cantrell
New Building
LBC by God’s grace is providing the funding
Healing Hands of Christ Home
Thursday June 22nd
Sunday June 25th
Thursday June 29th
1. Greater works (verse 12)
2. Answered prayer (verses 13-14)
3. Loving Christ (verse 15)
4. Another Counselor (verses 16-17)
In our relationship with the Lord, love and our obedience are inextricably linked.
Jesus sets the precedent with his love for and obedience to His Father.
1. greater works
2. “If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it”
3. "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments”
4. “The Father will give you
another Helper
(the Spirit of truth)”
Love and obedience supercharge our prayer life as well.
Keeping His commandments indicates that we have come to know Him.
When we come to know Him, we know what to ask for in His name.
As we love Him better, we come to obey Him more completely.
When we obey Him, we abide in His love.
Circles are a good way of representing mutual relationships.
Love is giving or acting sacrificially on behalf of/ for the benefit of the beloved.
Love is not simply a mental attitude, although it begins there.
Keeping His commandments means actually doing what He says.
The essential thing about love is taking action on behalf of the one you love.
And when it comes to loving Jesus, taking action means obeying His commands.
Those who love Him will keep His commandments.
What is the result of keeping His commandments? Abiding in His love.
We love Christ, so we keep His commandments.
When we keep His commandments, we will abide in His love.