Joh 14:12-17; 3:16; 11:33-36; 12:27; 15:12-17; 1Jo 3:16; 4:19; Rom 8:35-39; 2:15; Php 1:29; 3:7-11; Gal 2:20; Psa 139:8-12.
JOHN-114-230702 - length: 74:56 - taught on Jul, 2 2023
Class Outline:
New Building
LBC by God’s grace is providing the funding
Healing Hands of Christ Home
Love is giving or acting sacrificially on behalf of/ for the benefit of the beloved.
The essential thing about love is taking action on behalf of the one you love.
And when it comes to loving Jesus, taking action means obeying His commands.
If we are going to love, we must first be loved.
JOH 15:12-14,17
Love one another.
And that completes the circuit of His love.
Suffering is a real problem.
What scriptures will give me relief from this suffering?
Sometimes, the suffering is in the form of physical pain.
Other times it is mental anguish.
Grief. Sadness.
The pain of loss.
Jesus asks us to love one another as He has loved us. This is a love that suffers.
To love is also to have fellowship with the suffering of others.
There is also aching that is spiritual in origin.
We will suffer loss for the sake of Christ.
It is true that we died with Christ.
We have been crucified with Christ.
You and I have already been crucified with Christ.
This crucifixion is part of God’s design for conforming us to the likeness of His Son.
Christ suffered greatly. He suffered in His love for others.
When we are in great pain, the pain He suffered forms a bond with our pain.
When those He loved suffered greatly, He was in inner turmoil.
The anticipation of His own suffering also caused inner turmoil for Him.
He is with us.
This place of suffering is familiar to Him.
When we are in the hell of suffering, of anguish, we will not be alone.
He will meet us there.
He was tempted in all the ways that we are being tempted.
Our sins are not unfamiliar to Him either.
He bore every one of them in His body on the cross.
There is NOTHING that we will ever go through that He has not experienced.