Joh 14:12-17, 25-26; 15:7,16, 26-27; 16:7-15; 23-27; Mar 13:9-11.
JOHN-115-230709 - length: 66:59 - taught on Jul, 9 2023
Class Outline:
The Father will give you another helper
What appears as a new bud here will grow to full flower.
In verses 13-14, Jesus proclaims that prayer in His name will be granted.
Here Jesus adds a new thing: abiding in Him (His love) and His words abiding in us.
Here Jesus connects answered prayer to fruit.
A new day will soon arrive.
Answered prayer is finally revealed to be grounded in the love of the Father.
The gift of the indwelling Spirit.
Let’s examine the phrase “another Helper”.
He’s told them that He is going to leave them soon.
In chapter 14, John records how Jesus set about trying to comfort them.
Jesus is referring to the fact that He has been their Helper here on earth.
But what does He mean by “Helper”?
The translators have struggled to find the the equivalent English word.
These aren’t wrong, but they are inadequate.
The Greek word here is parakleton. It’s the accusative of the noun parakletos.
The general meaning is “one who is called in to appear on someone else’s behalf”.
But the specific meaning depends on the reason why the person is called in.
The Holy Spirit meets all kinds of needs for the believers in the church!
The Spirit’s mission is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ through the church.
His provision varies according to the specific need at hand.
What needs does the Parakletos, the Holy Spirit, meet in these two verses?
First, He will be with the disciples forever.
Second, the Parakletos is the source of truth.
Third, the disciples know this Parakletos, because He is already abiding with them.
Fourth, He will permanently indwell each and every believer.