Joh 14:7-9,16-17,25-26; 4:24; 8:31-32; 15:26-27; 16:7-15; Eph 1:13-14; 4:14-15; 1Jo 5:6; 1Co 2:12-13; Mar 3:9-11; 1Ti 2:3-4; Php 3:3
JOHN-116-230716 - length: 62:05 - taught on Jul, 16 2023
Class Outline:
Jesus is referring to the fact that He has been their Helper here on earth.
The Greek word here is parakleton. It’s the accusative of the noun parakletos.
“one who is called in to appear on someone else’s behalf”.
But the specific meaning depends on the reason why the person is called in.
The Spirit’s mission is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ through the church.
Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Spirit of truth.
These men will go on to preach the gospel and establish churches.
Their mission will be based on the truth.
Our salvation is based on truth. The gospel of our salvation is the message of truth.
Our spiritual life is based on the truth.
Real worship is centered on the truth.
And the church is called the pillar and support of the truth
(1TI 3:15).
He will be their source of all the truth they will need to carry out their mission.
When Jesus lived on earth with the disciples, He taught them many things.
But He also made it clear that there were things that they were not ready to receive.
When the Holy Spirit comes, He will teach the disciples ALL THINGS.