Joh 14:16-17, 25-26; 15:26-27; 16:7-15; 1Co 2:6-16; Mar 3:9-11; 1Ti 2:3-4; Php 3:3
JOHN-117-230723 - length: 66:02 - taught on Jul, 23 2023
Class Outline:
We will not have service on Sunday, August 27th
Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Spirit of truth.
Their mission will be based on the truth.
Our salvation is based on truth: the gospel.
EPH 1:13-14
Our spiritual life is based on the truth. EPH 4:14-15.
Real worship is centered on the truth, JOH 4:24.
And the church is called the pillar and support of the truth
(1TI 3:15).
He will be their source of all the truth they will need to carry out their mission.
But He also made it clear that there were things that they were not ready to receive.
When the Holy Spirit comes, He will teach the disciples ALL THINGS.
This ministry of the Spirit would enable the apostles to write the New Testament.
So the Parakletos will also function as their teacher and reminder.
The Spirit also serves as a witness who testifies about Jesus.
He will mentor and guide the disciples to do the same thing.
Then the Holy Spirit will embolden them, and give them the words to say.
The Holy Spirit meets their greatest need as apostles: the truth.
He speaks the truth to the unbelieving world.
Unbelievers cannot receive Him. Yet God is not willing that anyone should perish.
Jesus directs the Holy Spirit to convince the unbeliever that he needs a Savior.
The teaching ministry of the Spirit begins and ends with the Lord Jesus Christ:
who He is,
what He taught,
what He has done, and what He will do.
The meaning of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The deity of Christ.
The mystery of Christ and His church.
The baptism by the Spirit, placing each believer in permanent union with Christ.
The bodily return of Christ for His church.
Holy Spirit ministers to the church for one purpose: to glorify Christ Jesus.
First, this passage deals with the same things concerning the Spirit as Joh 14-16.
Second, this passage takes things to a new level suitable for the body of Christ.
First, this passage applies what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit to the church.
Second, this passage takes things to a new level suitable for the body of Christ.