Spiritual Gifts part 76. The tension between the already and the not-yet

Rom 8:14-23; 2Co 5:1-5; Phil 3:20-21; Eph 1:13-14; 1Jo 3:1-3.

ROMANS-194-110120 - length: 61:02 - taught on Jan, 20 2011

Class Outline:

John Farley
January 20, 2011

Spiritual Gifts Part 76: The tension in our lives between the “already” and the “not-yet”.

The Doctrine of Adoption

In the long history of our planet there have been at least three cataclysmic events that completely changed the nature of this planet and life on planet earth.

The first occurred when satan and the fallen angels rebelled.

The second occurred when man fell.

The third was Noah’s flood.

The fall of man brought about catastrophic change and corruption on planet earth, and in fact all of creation.

The restoration of nature itself hinges on the fact that you and other believers have been adopted by God and have been placed as His adult sons and daughters.

GEN 3:17
Cursed is the ground because of you;

1) the redemption of our soul, when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ.

2) the redemption of our body, which will occur at the Rapture.

The groaning in this verse is not so much the groaning of pain, but rather more the groaning of anticipation!

God the Father has provided a down payment as proof of the certainty of our future inheritance, and that proof comes in the form of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

The future glory of creation is keyed to the consummation of our adoption as adult sons and daughters.