1Jo 2:2; Joh 15:1-17; Joh 5:24; 1Th 5: 8-11; Joh 16:7-11; 2Co 3:2-3; 1Th 2:1-12
BAS-11-120103 - length: 61:14 - taught on Jan, 3 2012
Class Outline:
The Doctrine of the Gospel
The Doctrine of Witnessing (Evangelism)
Principles of Witnessing
1. The responsibility of witnessing belongs to every believer.
2. The basic knowledge of witnessing involves the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and His accomplishments on the Cross and by His Resurrection.
3. The challenge of witnessing comes from the doctrine of the unlimited atonement, 1JO 2:2 - Christ died for all mankind.
1TI 4:10
For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers.
The blood of Christ, which refers to His substitutionary spiritual death on the cross, provided redemption, propitiation, and reconciliation for every fallen human being.
The only question that remains is whether a man is satisfied with the sacrifice that completely satisfies God.
4. The method of witnessing is enhanced by your positive mental attitude related to your spiritual growth or maturity.
2PE 3:18
but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.
5. Confidence in witnessing comes from your own assurance of eternal security, JOH 5:24; JOH 10:28.
Salvation is the result of a single non-meritorious act of faith on our part and relies totally upon the grace of God.
Eternal security means that no matter how badly you fail or how many wicked sins you commit, you will not lose your salvation.
As Christians, our greatest hope and confidence lies in the fact that at the moment of salvation we have eternal life and it will not be taken away.
Each and every believer has an unbreakable bond with the integrity of God, ROM 8:38-39.