1Ti 4:10; 1Jo 4:14; 2Co 5:14-21; Rom 4:23-25; Rom 3:19-20, 23; Rom 6:23
BAS-30-121002 - length: 59:43 - taught on Oct, 2 2012
Class Outline:
pay the penalty for sin.
remove the guilt of sin.
satisfy the justice of God.
end the enmity and restore peace.
The blood of Christ - His substitutionary spiritual death on the cross - provided redemption, expiation, propitiation, and reconciliation for every man.
RECONCILIATION = the removal of the barrier between God and man. Man is restored to PEACE with God. It is the MAN AS ENEMY side of the cross.
JUSTIFICATION = It is the legal act of God whereby He declares the ungodly believer RIGHTEOUS because He has imputed to the believer His perfect righteousness.
Redemption | Price |
Expiation | Cancelled |
Propitiation | Satisfied |
Reconciliation | Peace |
Justification | Righteousness |
Reconciliation is God’s peace treaty with the entire human race.
Reconciliation is the removal of the barrier that separated God from man and prevented man from approaching God.
The doctrine of reconciliation explains the removal of the barrier between God and mankind through the salvation work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Reconciliation (in relation to the world): the removal of the barrier between God and man, replacing enmity with PEACE.
Romans 5:6-11 focuses on reconciliation from the perspective of the Gospel: what happened at the cross.
2 Corinthians 5:14-21 looks at reconciliation from the point of view of its results including the resultant ministry of reconciliation.
Ephesians 2:13-18 looks at reconciliation from the standpoint of the body of Christ: how it brings the church into being.
Colossians 1:15-23 talks about reconciliation in view of the ultimate glorification of Christ as the Son of God and King of Kings.
The Greek word for “were reconciled” is
the aorist passive indicative of the verb
katallasso =
“to change or give away, to exchange one thing for another, to change a person from enmity to friendship”.
The word “reconciliation” the Greek noun
katallage =
“the restoration of the original understanding between people after hostilities; reconciliation.”
katallage =
primarily "an exchange," denotes "reconciliation,"
a change on the part of one party, induced by an action on the part of another.
the expression “to reconcile” in verse 20 is
the aorist active infinitive of the Greek verb
apokatallasso =
"to reconcile completely" "to change from one condition to another," so as to remove all enmity and leave no impediment to unity and peace.
Reconciliation is the removal of the barrier that separated God from man and prevented man from approaching God.
All the work of Christ on the cross that involves getting rid of negative things was done on behalf of all people in the world.
All of the work that involves giving positive things is done only for believers.
It is a complete and thorough change accomplished by the actual removal of the cause of enmity, so making reconciliation. [Chafer]
Has this actually been removed for the whole world, all men,
A = All Men, OR
Has this actually been removed only for the believer? B = Believers