Cigarettes, Chocolate and Jesus.

2PE 1:10; Blue Like Jazz

ROMANS-50-100108 - length: 61:25 - taught on Jan, 8 2010

Class Outline:

John Farley
January 8, 2010

Cigarettes, Chocolate and Jesus.

the accusative singular direct object of the noun klesin meaning calling, invitation, or a legal summons.

a. Common grace,
in which the Gospel is presented and made understandable.

b. The divine call,
in which the personal invitation to believe on TLJC is given to the hearers.

c. Efficacious grace, in which the unbeliever’s faith is made effectual.

a. Common grace,
in which the Gospel is presented and made understandable.

b. The divine call,
in which the personal invitation to believe on TLJC is given to the hearers.

c. Efficacious grace, in which the unbeliever’s faith is made effectual.

a. Common grace,
in which the Gospel is presented and made understandable.

b. The divine call,
in which the personal invitation to believe on TLJC is given to the hearers.

c. Efficacious grace, in which the unbeliever’s faith is made effectual.

a. The invitation of God the Father to believe in Jesus Christ.

b. The election of the believer!

1. The spiritual death of Jesus Christ on the cross satisfied all the righteous demands of God the Father = propitiation.

2. The spiritual death of Jesus Christ on the cross is the basis for the deliverance from the old sin nature = redemption.

3. The spiritual death of Jesus Christ on the cross is the basis for removing the barrier between God and man =

4. The spiritual death of Jesus Christ on the cross is the basis for the judgment of all personal sins in history = unlimited atonement.

Common grace is a theological description for the function of the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit in making the Gospel understandable to the spiritually dead person.

4. The spiritual death of Jesus Christ on the cross is the basis for the judgment of all personal sins in history = unlimited atonement.

a. The invitation of God the Father to believe in Jesus Christ.

b. The election of the believer where the unique equality factor of the Church-age takes place!

Therefore, once the Gospel is presented, the invitation of God the Father is given to the spiritually dead person to believe in Jesus Christ.

The "calling of God" is irrevocable in the fact that even though God knows who is going to respond and who is not, He still sends out the invitation. This is the doctrine of the unlimited atonement! Merry Christmas!!

You’re a new creature in Christ and your call is to your spiritual life.