2Ti 2:15; Act 1:1-9; Gal 2:7; Act 10:1-48; Joh 14:16-17; Rom 7:6; 8:2.
EVGSUN-4-141102 - length: 73:27 - taught on Nov, 2 2014
Class Outline:
Welcome to our fourth Evangelism Sunday.
We are now moving to the book of Acts to gain wisdom on the subject of evangelism.
“I am overwhelmingly convinced that the gospel spreads most effectively across an existing network of trust relationships: friends, relatives, associates, neighbors.” FRAN.
FRAN = Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors.
The key to the whole Bible is the person, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
What does this passage say about the Lord Jesus Christ?
The big story of the New Testament is that the promised Messiah and Savior has come!
He is Jesus Christ. He died and is risen from the dead. Now all things are NEW!
The big new thing is the church, the Body of Christ, indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
The 4 gospels record the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and are evangelistic in nature.
The book of Acts is an historical book.
Acts takes us on a journey. So the question is: where does it take us? From what to what?
Act records events that occurred right after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.
It records the life of the church from its birth at Pentecost through its growth and development.
Acts is THE historical record of Christian evangelism.
Christian evangelism = evangelism after the death and resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.
There are three main characters in Acts 10: Peter, Cornelius, and the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the real actor in the book of Acts! Acts of the Holy Spirit!
“you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” ACT 1:8
The entire book of Acts is the living fulfillment of those words that Jesus spoke in Acts 1:8.
In chapter 2, Peter preaches in Jerusalem to Jews on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit first indwells believers.
In chapter 7 Steven dies as a martyr and sees the risen Christ standing at the Right Hand of the Father in heaven.
The persecution which follows scatters the Jerusalem church throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria.
In chapter 8 we see great evangelistic activity in Samaria with the ministry of Philip.
Saul - Paul is saved and called in chapter 9. He will bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.
From chapter 9 to chapter 12, the Holy Spirit is at work setting the stage for Paul’s missionary activity.