The LORD looks at the heart.

Rom 7:7-12; Deu 5:21; Mat 15:15-20; Jam 4:1-3, 3:14; Mat 5:21-30; Lev 19:15-18; Mat 22:34-40; 1Sa 16:6-7.

WTROM-95-150204 - length: 46:34 - taught on Feb, 4 2015

Class Outline:

John Farley
February 4, 2015

Lighthouse Point Keeper Days 2015
Saturday February 7.
11 AM - 3 PM.
Frank McDonough Park.

The LORD looks at the heart.

ROM 7:7-12

The Law cannot justify us, and the Law cannot sanctify us either.

Here Paul begins to reveal the spiritual character and reach of the Law.

Here in Romans 7 the term epithumia means “desire after anything forbidden”.

DEU 5:21

Worship no other gods.
You shall not make an idol. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Keep the Sabbath holy.

Honor your father and mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor…

Thou shall not desire.

It is the distinction between an outward action and something that occurs inside.

Whatever human beings might see and want selfishly for themselves to the exclusion of God or others:

fame, wealth, power, possessions, pleasure, and ultimately the evil desire which is at the root of all the others -

the desire to “be like God” in the sense of taking the place of the Creator in your life.

MAT 15:15-20

This coveting or elicit desire is at the heart of, is the source for, disobeying all of the other commandments.

Having your own god of your making instead of worshipping the LORD God.

Children disobey their parents because it’s not what they want.

Why do people commit murder and steal?
James tells us why:

JAM 4:1-3

Why do people lie?

JAM 3:14