Rom 8:23-25; 2Co 5:1-5; Rom 8:26-39; Rom 3:9-20; 1Jo 4:8,10,16; 1Co 13:4-8; Rom 3:23-24; Rom 5; 6; 7; 8
WTROM-146-150913 - length: 71:51 - taught on Sep, 13 2015
Class Outline:
the mission of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is sharing the love of Jesus Christ through aviation and technology…
…so that isolated people may be physically and spiritually transformed.
MAF operates a fleet of 52 light aircraft from 15 bases in six countries in Africa, Asia, Eurasia, and Latin America.
Each year, they fly over two million nautical miles to speed the work of some 600 Christian and humanitarian organizations.
MAF flights support indigenous churches and local evangelists, create access to medical care, provide disaster relief, ...
…and make community development projects possible ... in some of the most remote places on earth.
Tell me again, Daddy
“Strike the tent!”
Hope is a wrapped present. Glory soon, God’s love today.
From ROM 3:21 onward, Paul has been building an iron clad case.
It has all been building towards its climax: here in ROM 8:26-39.
It is, simply,
the love of God.
How much God loves you and me.
Everything from ROM 3:21 onward has been serving the single purpose:
establishing us secure in God’s love for us - freely given!- , and that forever.
One by one, the Lord has removed each potential obstacle to our resting securely in the love of God.
Us! Born in trespasses and sins, God’s enemies, falling short of the glory of God.
Nevertheless! He loved us then and loves us much more now and He always will!
God’s love for you is a settled matter in His heart,
and He so desires
for it to be
a settled matter
in your heart too.
1JO 4:8,10,16
God is patient with you.
God is kind to you.
God is not provoked by anything you say, do, or think.
God does not take into account any wrong suffered from you.
God bears all things with regard to you.
He believes all things, all good things about you.
He hopes all the best things for you.
He endures all things in His relationship with you.
God’s love for you never fails. And it never ever will.
Come on back to the book of Romans and get your loving from God our loving Father.
Make sure you read all of chapter 5, that wonderful declaration of the amazing grace of God.
Remember all the “much mores”?
ROM 5:8-9,15,17, 20-21
And starting in chapter 6, He goes directly after those huge boulders of guilt and despair and bondage -
those huge boulders - sin, death, and the law.
ROM 6:6-7,14,
17-18, 22-23
And then Rom 8 - our hearts’ home .
All the chains get broken one by one and we get released into the freedom of the children of God.
And from verse 18 on we are in the final climb, headed for glory, secure in God’s love.
So let’s just soak up the masterpiece of God’s love.
Tell me again, Daddy.
Again, again, again!