Jam 1:1-12; Eph 1:13-2:10; 1Co 15:1-11; Rom 1:16-17; Joh 3:36; Act 5:30-32; Rom 1:1-6; 2 Th 1:6-12.
PRCHR-5-150930 - length: 49:33 - taught on Sep, 30 2015
Class Outline:
Let’s consider that word “faith” in verse 3.
What is real, Biblical faith? What is Christian faith?
EPH 1:13-2:10
Those who are saved listened to the message of truth, the gospel of Jesus Christ. (EPH 1:13)
ROM 10:17
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
What is the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
The gospel of Jesus Christ is given clearly and precisely in 1CO 15:1-4.
The saint listened to the gospel, believed in Christ, and then was sealed in Christ with the Holy Spirit of promise.
This faith in the Lord Jesus remained with the saints. (EPH 1:15)
Faith continued to exist along with evidence of that saving faith - the love for all the saints.
The righteous man - the saint, the believer in Christ -shall LIVE by faith.
This saving faith remains and is central to the day to day living of the saint.
This saving faith will be tested from time to time. Through trials, and ordeals, and afflictions, tribulations.
Before we were saved by the grace of God, we were dead. We were dead to God.
EPH 2:1-2 is the way of life of the unbeliever.
God’s word calls the unbeliever a son of disobedience.
But the believer in Christ is a son for obedience.
In fact, obedience and faith are
hard to separate in the New Testament.
Saving faith carries with it obedience.