Mat 5:8; Jam 4:7-8; Rom 7:14-1:15; Jam 1:1-4; 2Co 4:16-18; Rom 5:1-5.
PRCHR-22-151202 - length: 50:31 - taught on Dec, 2 2015
Class Outline:
MAT 5:8
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”.
Pure means 100% something.
That and no other.
No mixture. Complete.
For the pure in heart, how they live matches what they claim to believe.
James brings up things about our lives where we still have a mixture of the good and the bad.
We believe but we also doubt.
We use our tongue to bless but we also use it to curse.
We hear the word , but we don’t always do what the word says.
Some days we are the friend of God but other days we are the friend of the world.
Please understand that you can’t fix yourself!
The classic passage on being double-minded is Romans 7.
Keep reading into Romans 8 to see the solution to being double minded.
Practical Christianity:
Surviving Life’s Trials
KNOW something
CONSIDER something
LET something happen
What are we to KNOW that will make all the difference in the world whenever we encounter various trials?
The testing of your faith produces endurance.
ASK GOD for wisdom concerning this!
You need to know for a certainty that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
endurance is a strong thing; it makes us into strong oak trees.
Endurance. The ability to remain under pressure. To hold your ground.
The joy is the certainty of a better you tomorrow!