Prov 18:21-22; Jam 3:8-10; Eph 5:15-6:4; Prov 1:8-9; Eph 4:32; John 13:17; Mat 7:24-27.
PRCHR-37-160203 - length: 47:51 - taught on Feb, 3 2016
Class Outline:
What one thing is bothering you the most these days?
It’s stuff going wrong with people who are in our daily lives.
We are going to face heartache from our family.
A wrong thing said that really hurts the relationship, maybe for a long time.
How many marriages have been ruined by a tongue full of deadly poison?
The relationship between the husband and the wife is the most intimate human relationship of all.
Ephesians is the place where God paints the most breath-taking picture of what the church means to Him.
Christian family life is vitally connected to church life.
Ephesians 5:15 - 6:4
Only after the marriage is put on Christ ground can the parents be fully equipped to handle their children…together!
The heart of the Lord’s instruction on Christian marriage is in Ephesians 5.
Many of us have a tendency to dismiss the simple.