Eph 5:22-33; Pro 18:21-22; 9:14; 31:28-29; 31:10-12; 11:29; 14:1; 17:1; 21:9,19; 25:14; 19:13; 27:15-16; 12:4; 1Jo 2:1-2.
PRCHR-42-160221 - length: 64:23 - taught on Feb, 21 2016
Class Outline:
Husbands, love your wives. Every day.
Wives, respect your husbands. Every day.
And both of you, keep forgiving one another.
How do we live according to the design of Christian marriage in Ephesians 5?
Start by ASKING YOUR SPOUSE that question….!
Love your wife.
Respect your husband.
Husband: “Honey, what are the things I do (or don’t do) that make you feel unloved?”
Wife: “Darling, what are some things that I do (or don’t do) that make you think you are not respected?”
Husband: “What are some areas that I can work on to make sure you are secure in my love?”
Wife: “What are some things I can to set your heart at rest that I really do respect you as the leader of our family?”
Husbands, let’s begin with you….
When we don’t cherish her.
It means to hold her dear.
It means to protect and care for her, lovingly, passionately.
It means to be devoted to her.
It means to be gracious to her, understanding, forgiving, giving.
“Don’t cherish women; respect them.”
When you are irresponsible with money, it hits her where it hurts.
And she needs you to take care of your health.
When you invest all your time and energy into your work and having nothing left for her or the kids, …
…it makes your wife feel unloved and unimportant.
Ladies, wives…
When you encourage your children not to respect their dad, that is an awful thing.
When you are always nagging your husbands, it comes across as you not respecting him.
“Contentious” means “brawling”. Always fighting her husband on things.