Guest Speaker Rich Freeman, September 9th, 2018

Posted: Sat. Sep, 1 2018

Guest Speaker Rich Freeman will be joining us Sunday, September 9th, 2018 at 10:00am to teach on the Feast of Trumpets and the Rapture of the Church.

CHOSEN PEOPLE MINISTRIES is an over one hundred-year-old mission that was founded in 1894 by Leopold Cohn, a Hungarian rabbi who came to believe that Jesus was the Messiah of Israel. From humble beginnings in Brooklyn, New York, Chosen People Ministries has grown into a worldwide ministry with outreach centers in Argentina, Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Ukraine and the United States.


Throughout its long history, Chosen People Ministries has been unwavering in its commitment to bring the Gospel message of salvation in Jesus “to the Jew first and to the Gentile” throughout the world. In stressing the Jewish roots of Christian faith, Chosen People Ministries hopes to make the message of the Messiah more accessible to Jewish people and also to help Christian believers achieve a greater appreciation of the Jewish basis of their own faith traditions.

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