Ron Pomeroy, 1967-2019

Posted: Sat. Jan, 19 2019

We have some very sad news to report.

Earlier this week, Ron Pomeroy had a severe heart attack and went home to be with the Lord.

Ron is Steve and Marilyn’s son, and Marc’s brother.  Steve and Marc are of course elders here at Lighthouse Bible church.  Ron is also the brother of  Steve Pomeroy and Lynn Davis.   Many of you will recall that Lynn led our song services for many years before she left Florida.

Ron is survived by his wife Jill and his sons Stephen, Garret, and Zachary.

Ron is also survived by his birth mother, Judy Brewer, and another sister, Kari Vaughn.

Please pray for the whole family, especially Jill and their sons.

There will be a memorial service for Ron on Monday January 21st at 5 PM. 

You will find more information about the service, and about Ron's life,  at:

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