1Ti 6:6-10; 4:8;3:2-3; Luk 12:15-21; Job 1:20-21; Psa 49:16-17; Mat 6:24-34; Col 3:5; Ecc 5:16-17; Heb 13:5
1TIM-17-210103 - length: 69:32 - taught on Jan, 3 2021
Class Outline:
The greatest provision in this life is found in the contentment that comes from knowing and following God’s ways.
In verse 6, Paul contrasts material gain and spiritual gain.
Verse 7 is true on its face. It’s a simple fact.
In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus revealed the secret to contentment.
Stop worrying;
trust in our heavenly Father. He will supply all of our needs.
It is not those who are rich but those who want to get rich.
They act like fools and they hurt people - most of all themselves.
The destruction is complete. Final.
“ the love of money is the root of all the evils”
Greed produces devastating results.
COL 3:5 equates greed with idolatry.
The love of money disqualifies a man for a leadership position in the church.
Their lust for wealth blinds them and causes them to veer off course.
They pierce themselves.
These are self-inflicted wounds.
Dissatisfaction. Constant cravings. Emptiness. Worry and anxiety.
Loneliness (think Scrooge). Guilt. Regrets. Fear.