Latest Messages

24 2010

There can be no shining Knight without a damsel in distress

7. As a part of that calling we are called to share in His eternal glory, 1Pe 5:10.   Because of our failures, all glory must be imparted solely to the mercy and goodness of...
22 2010

The glory of God is revealed in His mercy toward mankind

 7. As a part of that calling we are called to share in His eternal glory, 1Pe 5:10. Because of our failures, all glory must be imparted solely to the mercy and goodness of God. God allows...
20 2010

Good deeds are part of the calling of God

a. The invitation of God the Father to believe in Jesus Christ. b. The election of the believer where the unique equality factor of the Church-age takes place! 1. As a part of that upward call or your...
16 2010

The privileges of your calling, part 2

a. The invitation of God the Father to believe in Jesus Christ. b. The election of the believer where the unique equality factor of the Church-age takes place! PHI 3:14 I keep on pressing on...
15 2010

The privileges of your calling, part 1

a. The invitation of God the Father to believe in Jesus Christ. b. The election of the believer where the unique equality factor of the Church-age takes place! Going through those so-called mundane times in...
13 2010

Some of the Best Things in Life Are Silent

a. The invitation of God the Father to believe in Jesus Christ. b. The election of the believer where the unique equality factor of the Church-age takes place! You’re a new creature in Christ and...
10 2010

What To Do About a Spiritual Broken Leg.

a. The invitation of God the Father to believe in Jesus Christ. b. The election of the believer where the unique equality factor of the Church-age takes place! You’re a new creature in Christ and your...
08 2010

Cigarettes, Chocolate and Jesus.

the accusative singular direct object of the noun klesin meaning calling, invitation, or a legal summons.   a. Common grace, in which the Gospel is presented and made understandable.   b....
06 2010

The Lord Jesus Christ taught Paul mystery doctrine

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Wednesday, January 6, 2010 klhtoV apostoloV kletos apostolos   the adjective kletos and what it means to be called.   God shouted to you in eternity past, and, like light from a distant star that you finally see, it is perhaps only now that you are...
03 2010

Hey! Guess who called you?

   κλητὸς ἀπόστολος kletos apostolos   Here and in several of his other...
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