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23 2009

Whose Child is this?

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Wednesday, December 23, 2009 Whose Child is this? A King - and not just any king but rather the King of Kings - a King became a slave so the slaves could become members of Royalty. This is the Son of God -deity. And here God is born -humanity. Whose Child is...
20 2009

The business of this family is love

The most free you can be as a human being is to live as a slave of Christ Jesus. Point 5. The relationship between slavery and freedom in the New Testament. eleuqeria -...
18 2009

Freedom is becoming who God designed you to be

Point 4. Isagogics, examining Roman and also Greek slavery in the ancient world. We learned about slavery in the Roman Empire of the First Century A.D. The most free you can be as a human being is to live...
16 2009

A slave's chief desire was to gain his freedom

“a slave of Christ Jesus” Doulos = “slave” Point 1. Introduction: Whose slave are you? A person is either a slave to sin or a slave to Christ! Our Lord...
13 2009

Roman law gave the slave owner absolute power and control.

“a slave of Christ Jesus”   The Greek word doulos means “slave”. Point 1 was our Introduction: Whose slave are you?   A person is...
11 2009

How the Holy Spirit uses Roman slavery to teach spiritual freedom.

“a slave of Christ Jesus” Doulos = “slave.” A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes one thing or experience in terms borrowed from...
09 2009

How the Bible uses metaphor to teach truth.

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Wednesday, December 9, 2009 How the Bible uses metaphor to teach truth. “a slave of Christ Jesus” Doulos = “slave” doulos = a slave, bondman, man of servile condition. Metaphorically, one who gives himself up wholly to another’s will or...
06 2009

To be a slave of Christ is to have rightful order restored

The second packed phrase here is “a slave of Christ Jesus” Doulos = “slave.” doulos = a slave, bondman, man of servile condition. Metaphorically, one who...
04 2009

A slave is someone whose person and service belong wholly to another.

The second packed phrase here is “a slave of Christ Jesus.” Doulos = “slave” When introducing himself to these Roman Christians, the first...
02 2009

Whose slave are you? Part 2

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Whose slave are you?  Part 2 The second packed phrase here is “a slave of Christ Jesus.” PauloV douloV Cristou Ihsou Paul the slave, the slave of Christ Jesus Doulos =...
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