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13 2010

'Fake & Take' got beat out by 'Give and Live'

Repentance - metanoia - in the New Testament means a change of mind for the better. So the man in this parable represents God the Father and the...
09 2010

Self-realization of one's hopelessness apart from God is the first step toward true repentance

Repentance - metanoia - in the New Testament means a change of mind for the better. God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the...
04 2010

Repentance is letting the Shepherd carry you home

Repentance - metanoia - in the New Testament means a change of mind for the better. God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the grace that He dispenses to undeserving...
02 2010

Repentance is the acceptance of being found...or found out!

Repentance - metanoia - in the New Testament means a change of mind for the better. Heb 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as...
30 2010

There are jams you can't pull yourself out of

Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace and truth), resulting in living a new...
28 2010

God always provides the conditions necessary for us to repent.

Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace and truth), resulting in...
26 2010

He delivered us from sin so that He could give us new life

Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace and truth), resulting in...
23 2010

A lot of Christian swans still think they are ugly ducklings

Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace and truth), resulting in...
21 2010

Repentance is stopping what you were doing to follow Christ

Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace and truth), resulting in living...
19 2010

Whatever the Lord does in our lives, it is just

Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace and truth), resulting in living a new...
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