The Lord brought on His full tool set in transforming the worst sinner who ever lived into the trophy of grace, Paul , apostle to the Gentiles.
This is God’s tool box to...
The Lord brought on His full tool set in transforming the worst sinner who ever lived into the trophy of grace, Paul , apostle to the Gentiles.
God looks at our natural strengths and goes to work on...
These differences are spoken of in the Bible in terms of rank, rulership, reward, recognition, privilege, and intimacy.
The Bible tells us that a company of church age...
These differences are spoken of in the Bible in terms of rank, rulership, reward, recognition, privilege, and intimacy.
2Ti 2:12
If we endure, we will also reign with...
Spiritual Gifts Part 282: The elders will cast their crowns before the Lord’s throne
These differences are spoken of in the Bible in terms of rank, rulership, reward, recognition, privilege, and...
3. Reward:
to each according to his deeds; crowns.
Mat 5:11-12; Mat 10:40-42; Luk 6:35-36; 1Co 3:8-15; Col 3:23-24; Jam 1:12; 2Jo 1:8; Rev 2:10; Rev...
3. Reward:
to each according to his deeds; crowns.
Mat 5:11-12; Mat 10:40-42; Luk 6:35-36; 1Co 3:8-15; Col 3:23-24; Jam 1:12; 2Jo 1:8; Rev 2:10; Rev 22:10-14
3. Reward:
to each according to his deeds; crowns.
Mat 5:11-12; Mat 10:40-42; Luk 6:35-36; 1Co 3:8-15; Col 3:23-24; Jam 1:12; 2Jo 1:8; Rev 2:10; Rev 22:10-14
3. Reward:
to each according to his deeds; crowns.
Mat 5:11-12; Mat 10:40-42; Luk 6:35-36; 1Co 3:8-15; Col 3:23-24; Jam 1:12; 2Jo 1:8; Rev 2:10; Rev 22:10-14
3. Reward:
to each according to his deeds; crowns.
Mat 5:11-12; Mat 10:40-42; Luk 6:35-36; 1Co 3:8-15; Col 3:23-24; Jam 1:12; 2Jo 1:8; Rev 2:10; Rev...