Study of Romans

18 2012

Spiritual Gifts part 216: Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

This man was a prominent Jewish official, extremely wealthy, and a young unmarried man in his 20’s or 30’s. He wanted the young man to realize that there was no way he...
15 2012

Spiritual Gifts part 215: 'Hurry, for today I must stay at your house.'

Mat 19:16 And someone came to Him and said, "Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?" Joh 15:5 “I am the...
12 2012

Spiritual Gifts part 214: I am the Rich Young Man.

And Luke tells us that he was a “ruler”, so he was some kind of Jewish official, probably a member of the Sanhedrin. Luke also tells us that this ruler was extremely...
11 2012

Spiritual Gifts part 213: Impossible challenges lead us to the door of the cross.

Joh 14:20 “In that day you will know [experientially] that I am in My Father, and you in Me [union with Christ], and I in you [indwelling of...
08 2012

Spiritual Gifts part 212: What the rich young man teaches us about our race.

Joh 14:20 “In that day you will know [experientially] that I am in My Father, and you in Me [union with Christ], and I in you [indwelling of...
05 2012

Spiritual Gifts part 211: 'Apart from Me you can do nothing'.

The race is the advance in the Christian spiritual life in time. The time frame for us to complete our race begins with faith in Christ and ends with our physical death or the...
04 2012

Spiritual Gifts part 210: Faith in the Son of God is my stride

“run” = present active subjunctive of trecho; by a metaphor taken from the runners in a race, to exert oneself, strive hard; “run” = trecho;...
29 2011

Spiritual Gifts part 209: Nevertheless, not I but Christ runs in me.

The word for “race” in Heb 12:1, agona, is in other places translated as a “fight”. It can mean a contest, a fight, or a battle. We have 1 verb that...
28 2011

Spiritual Gifts part 208: We run for the pleasure of coming to know Him better.

The word for “race” in Heb 12:1, agona, is in other places translated as a “fight”. It can mean a contest, a fight, or a battle. The combat...
22 2011

Spiritual Gifts part 207: As we run, what was authorized becomes appropriated.

The word for “race” in Heb 12:1, agona, is in other places translated as a “fight”. It can mean a contest, a fight, or a battle. The combat...
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