Study of Romans

21 2011

Spiritual Gifts part 146: Your spiritual gift becomes operational through spiritual growth.

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Thursday, July 21, 2011 Spiritual Gifts Part 146:   Your spiritual gift becomes operational through...
20 2011

Spiritual Gifts part 145: Your spiritual gift is a channel the Spirit uses to minister to the Body

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Wednesday, July 20, 2011 Spiritual Gifts Part 145:   Your spiritual gift is a channel that the Holy...
14 2011

Spiritual Gifts Part 143: Divine power enables us to be effective in serving with our gift.

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Thursday, July 14, 2011 Spiritual Gifts Part 143:   Divine power enables us to be effective in serving...
10 2011

Spiritual Gifts part 141: Our problem is that we try to work for what God has already given us!

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Sunday, July 10, 2011 Spiritual Gifts Part 141: Our big problem is that we try to work for what God has already...
07 2011

Spiritual Gifts part 140: Your spiritual gift is your share in the spoils of Christ's victory.

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Thursday, July 7, 2011 Spiritual Gifts Part 140:   Your spiritual gift is your share in the spoils of...
06 2011

Spiritual Gifts part 139: The Lord Jesus Christ sends men with communication gifts to feed the Church

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Wednesday, July 6, 2011 Spiritual Gifts Part 139:   The Lord Jesus Christ sends men with communication...
29 2011

Spiritual Gifts part 137: All three members of the Trinity are behind spiritual gifts

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Spiritual Gifts Part 137:   All three members of the Trinity are involved in...
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