Village Ministries International (or V.M.I.) is a non-denominational Christian Ministry based in Yukon, OK.
V.M.I. takes the Gospel and God’s Word to remote areas that aren’t easily exposed to...
John Farley
November 25, 2018
Identity politics
We are splitting up into tribes based on inbred characteristics like race and gender.
Groups of people having a particular racial, ethnic, gender, religious or cultural identity…
…promote their own specific...
Basic Training Bible Ministries is led by Gene Cunningham with his wife Nan as his support and companion.
Their mission includes evangelism and the training of pastors and workers in remote...
Life is a gamble. From start to finish, it’s a gamble.
Every day, we face risks and uncertainties.
You gamble every time you make a decision where you do not know the outcome.
But you have no guarantee that...
Col 1:24-2:3
Paul suffered in laying down his life for the brethren in order to preach the mystery of Christ.
He is our head, and we are His body. He is in us, and we...
The direct mission of Grace Bible Church Pakistan is to serve a flock of Christians in Arifwala, Pakistan.
The ministry also sends teams of two men to the villages to serve Christian families living in remote...
When we preach the gospel, we are simply to preach Christ.
Col 1:24-2:3
We owe it to them to tell them WHO THIS PERSON IS!
We have a treasure chest of facts about Christ that we can tell our...
Col 1:24-29 - COL 2:1-3
The Lord gave Paul a treasure.
He calls it a mystery. It has been hidden from past ages and generations.
The mystery here is the amazing fact that Christ is in the saints...
Col 1:21-29, 2:1-3
The Lord gave Paul a treasure.
He calls it a mystery. It has been hidden from past ages and generations.
It’s the amazing fact that Christ is in the saints.
Because Christ is...
Grace Prison Ministries works to change the lives of prisoners through evangelism and sound Bible teaching.
GPM visits jails, prisons, and youth detention centers.
GPM presents the...