John Farley
June 3, 2018
Christ sustains the entire universe.
Col 1:16
Cols 2:8-10
These were demonic influences (“gods”) believed by the pagans to possess great power …
… that they exercised by commandeering natural phenomenon such...
Please pray for the Christians of Mauritania
Col 1:15
Christ is pre-eminent, first above all things, in resurrection as well as in creation.
Col 1:16
Paul wishes to convince the saints at...
Col 1:15-20
Col 1:15
Verse 15 is one of the clearest statements in the Bible about the deity of Christ.
“firstborn” means first in rank.
Existing before.
The pre-eminence, supremacy,
and all-sufficiency
of Christ.
Col 1:15-20
Col 1:15
Verse 15 is one of the clearest statements in the Bible about the deity of Christ.
Grace Bible Church Pakistan
Please pray for:
• Church/School Building
• Land next to Church Property
• Protection as they distribute Bibles in distant and dangerous...
John Farley
April 15, 2018
Hey son –don’t forget to take the 50 dollars.
The only enduring hope for the human race is the hope provided by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2Co 1:8-10
1Ti 1:1
1Ti 4:10
Col 1:3-8
Col 1:9-12
We all...
The direct mission of Grace Bible Church Pakistan is to serve a flock of Christians in Arifwala, Pakistan.
The ministry also sends teams of two men to the villages to serve Christian families living in remote...
Grace Prison Ministries works to change the lives of prisoners through evangelism and sound Bible teaching.
Grace to you
The great hope of being presented...
John Farley
March 18, 2018
The upward call
Col 1:3-6 The key expression is “the HOPE laid up for you in heaven”.
Col 1:9-12 the key is “has qualified us to share in the INHERITANCE of the saints in Light”.
Col 1:22 “ to present you before...