Latest Messages

20 2021

Like Father, like Son

Announcements concerning the sale of our building   Our closing will be between Thursday July 1st and Monday July 12th .   We will have at least one more Sunday service in...
13 2021

Do you want to get well?

Announcements concerning the sale of our building   The earliest day we can close will be Thursday July 1. We will have at least two more Sunday services in this building. We have one...
06 2021

Go; your son lives

Announcements concerning the sale of our building   Our buyers have received their approvals The closing is scheduled for Monday June 14th   Our last service in this...
30 2021

The fields are white for harvest

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, May 30, 2021 New church address: 3907 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 223, Pompano Beach, FL 33064 “The fields are white for harvest”   Now she spoke to a large group of men about Him. She went right up to the men in the city and got right to the...
23 2021

I who speak to you am He

Joh 4:7-26 “I who speak to you am He” The dramatic climax of their encounter occurs in verse 26: Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am He." Every statement Jesus made to this woman was a complete surprise...
16 2021

There came a woman from Samaria

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, May 16, 2021   Joh 4:1-14 There came a woman from Samaria The Samaritan woman could not have been more different from Nicodemus. Who is Jesus? Joh 4:1-6     Jesus had a divine appointment to keep with this particular...
09 2021

The Father loves the Son

  John 3:22-36 The Father loves the Son There are two main themes in chapter 3: (1) The Person of Christ Jesus (2) The importance of believing in Him. Both Jesus and John are baptizing at this time. Joh...
02 2021

He must increase, but I must decrease

the mission of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is sharing the love of Jesus Christ through aviation and technology… …so that isolated people may be physically and spiritually transformed. Their vision: that every person on...
18 2021

For God so loved the world

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, April 18, 2021 Schedule items Barah Ministries Conference April 22-25 (Thursday thru Sunday)   Joh 3:9-21 For God so loved the world God always provides reliable witnesses who can testify to the things God...
11 2021

That which is born of the Spirit is spirit

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, April 11, 2021 That which is born of the Spirit is spirit Joh 2:23-3:10 Jesus performed signs to help people believe in Him. But not as a miracle worker. As the Christ, the Son of God. Nicodemus was a Pharisee, and he was a ruler of the Jews. Nicodemus was also...
July 2024
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