Latest Messages

17 2022

Evidence for the Resurrection

John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, April 17, 2022 Happy Resurrection Day! 1Cor 15:12-14 Christianity stands or falls with the truth of the resurrection. Proving that Jesus really died, was buried, and was raised from the dead, leaving behind an empty tomb, is a profoundly evangelical...
10 2022

Shepherd of the sheep.

Joh 10:1-10 This was unprecedented; a clear sign that Jesus was the promised Messiah. But the leaders of Israel interrogated, abused, and jettisoned this lost sheep.   Psa 23:1-3 This figure...
03 2022

Do you believe in the Son of Man?

Joh 9:29-41 There are few people in the world who are more obnoxious than a know-it-all.   Pro 26:12 If you think you know all the answers, you won’t let anybody enlighten...
27 2022

Though I was blind, now I see.

Joh 9:18-34 Changing water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana. (chapter 2) Healing the nobleman’s son. (chapter 4) Healing the paralytic. (chapter 5) Feeding the 5,000 with 5 loaves...
20 2022

What do you say about Him?

Joh 9:8-17 This miracle proved that Jesus is the Son of God and the Jewish Messiah. Jesus will not appear in the narrative again until verse 35. This time, the man who was formerly blind testifies on His...
13 2022

He saw a man blind from birth.

Joh 9:1-12 The sixth sign miracle: giving sight to a man blind from his mother’s womb. Joh 8:12 There is no more complete darkness than being blind. Mat 6:23 Joh 9:1 between...
06 2022

Before Abraham was born – I AM

Joh 8:48-59 They were not Abraham’s real children. Therefore, they were not God’s children either. They accused Jesus of the very things that were in fact true about...
27 2022

You are of your father the devil

Joh 8:37-47 Jesus confronts the unbelievers in his audience with stunning accuracy. From verse 37 to the end of the chapter, Jesus addresses His adversaries. These “Jews” relied on their...
20 2022

If you continue in My word…

Joh 8:31-40 It shows up in the amount of repetition there is in the gospel. Terms that can’t quite get pinned down – like the Jews, and disciples. You examine a set of...
06 2022

Who are You?

Joh 8:21-30 1. Who Jesus is, especially in His relationship with His Father 2. His urgent warning to His Jewish audience Time is running out for the Jews. Joh 7:33-36 Joh...
July 2024
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