Practical Christianity

18 2016

LORD, save me!

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, December 18, 2016 Practical Christianity: Lord, save me! Jam 2:14-17 The word “save” in Jam 2:14 sozo ‎σώζω Sozo is an “all-purpose” Greek verb. It has...
11 2016

The Lord is bringing us safely to glory.

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, December 11, 2016 Practical Christianity: The Lord is bringing us safely to glory When James talks about faith, he is referring to our faith as it is practiced in our daily lives after salvation.   NOT for redemption or eternal...
04 2016

A very versatile verb.

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, December 4, 2016 CSM is an evangelistic organization charged with spreading the grace gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and training pastors and evangelists in...
27 2016

Things not mentioned in James.

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, November 27, 2016 Practical Christianity: Things not mentioned in James Faith and works. When James talks about faith, he is referring to our faith as it is practiced in our daily lives after salvation. James addresses faith in the realm...
20 2016

The faith of Abraham and Rahab.

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, November 20, 2016 Practical Christianity: The faith of Abraham and Rahab Faith and works. When James talks about faith, he is referring to our faith as it is practiced in our daily lives after salvation. So next, let’s prove this...
13 2016

James: Faith for daily living.

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, November 13, 2016 Practical Christianity: James: faith for practical daily living Faith and works. Jam 2:1 Faith in James 2:1 is NOT faith in Christ for eternal salvation. The Lord of GLORY. Our faith here is directed...
06 2016

The purpose of faith in James.

The mission of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is sharing the love of Jesus Christ through aviation and technology… …so that isolated people may be physically and spiritually transformed. ...
30 2016

Will you stand or fall in the coming storm?

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, October 30, 2016   Practical Christianity: Will you stand or fall in the coming storm? Jam 1:22-27 But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. The antidote to being delusional...
23 2016

The cure for our delusions.

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, October 23, 2016 Practical Christianity: The cure for our delusions   Christmas Week Schedule ● Christmas “eve” service - Thursday, Dec 22 @ 7 PM. ● Next service after that – Sunday Jan 1, 2017 @...
16 2016

Are you delusional?

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, October 16, 2016 Practical Christianity: Are you delusional? James has a powerful message for us, and it carries through to the end of chapter 1. James is very concerned that his congregation might be kidding themselves. They are very vulnerable to being taken...
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