Practical Christianity

15 2016

His grace toward me did not prove vain.

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, May 15, 2016 Practical Christianity: His grace toward me did not prove vain. Col 3:1-11 from verses 5 to 9 we have the negative side of practical Christianity. This means a very active spiritual life. We do these things.  And...
08 2016

His workmanship, and our walk.

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, May 8, 2016 Practical Christianity: His workmanship, and our walk. Col 3:1-5 The Spirit leads us in this work. He enables the work (by striving against the flesh with its lusts). And we have to decide every day whether we are going to do...
01 2016

We participate in the grace of God. CSM is an evangelistic organization charged with spreading the grace gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and training pastors and...
24 2016

Who does the work: God or me? YES!

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, April 24, 2016   Practical Christianity: Who does the work? God, or me? YES!! To be sanctified is to be active. But who does the work? God, or me? Col 3:1-4 Ephesians. Colossians. Philippians....
17 2016

To be sanctified is to be active.

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, April 17, 2016 Practical Christianity: To be sanctified is to be ACTIVE. Let’s discover more about how to USE those blessings. Col 3:1-21 Col 3:1-4 We begin with Christ, seated at the right hand of the...
10 2016

Practical Sanctification.

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, April 10, 2016 Practical Christianity: Practical Sanctification The blood of Christ has cleansed us from our sins. God has declared us to be righteous in His eyes forever. God the Father condemned sin in the flesh at the cross of Jesus...
03 2016

Don't Major in Minors.

the mission of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is sharing the love of Jesus Christ through aviation and technology… …so that isolated people may be physically and spiritually transformed. MAF operates a fleet of 52 light...
20 2016

The discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Practical Christianity: The discipline and instruction of the Lord 2Co 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. We serve now as parents in the...
13 2016

How does our heavenly Father parent us?

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, March 13, 2016  Practical Christianity: How does our heavenly Father parent us? 2Co 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Christian parenting is different from Old...
06 2016

The Major Keys of Christian Parenting.

John Farley Pastor-Teacher Sunday, March 6, 2016 Practical Christianity: The Major Keys of Christian Parenting Pro 22:15 Pro 23:13-16 Pro 29:15-17 How did things work out for Solomon in the matter of his son Rehoboam? 2Ch 12:13-14 1Ki...
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